21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me
- Apr 07, 2010 ArchiveA book written by Frank Cook. No that is not Frank Cooke, the owner of Cooke (with and e ) Real Estate School.
This 220 page book published by Dearborn Real Estate Education is a superb book that every licensee should obtain once they accomplish their first goal in the real estate brokerage business and that is to pass the state exam.
This textbook gets the new agent into the passing lane as quickly as possible even if agents are just starting into the brokerage business or if agents are down the road a ways.
One of the most interesting facts about the brokerage business is that normal filters just dont seem to fit. Being at the top of your class doesnt mean much, nor does being at the bottom, provided you pass the exam. The nations top real estate educators agree that there is just no way of knowing by simply looking out over the classroom and tell which students will succeed in the business and which ones will not. Much depends on your personal motivation, how aggressive you are, your personality, and what model of selling you follow.
Even more bothersome, test scores on state exams are not a good indicator of success. A high test score does not necessarily mean success. Even passing the exam on the first attempt does not mean you will thrive as a salesperson. Many people try and try again to pass the exam and feel life complete failures. Yet once they do pass the exam and receive their license, within a year and a half, some are selling millions of dollars worth of real estate.
In this book you will find insights, stories of opportunities taken and opportunities missed, even a few stories about what can be described as lucky breaks; however while this information will give you a general idea on how others get the job done. I suspect youll find that the essence of success in real estate has less to do with your ability to find opportunities than your ability to create them. And, as always seems to be the case, the harder you work the luckier you will be.
21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me by Frank Cook is a must read for the new agent entering this wonderful business.
As an appreciation for visiting our website, Cooke Real Estate School will mail you copy of 21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me by Frank Cook. This textbook is free of charge while the supply lasts. You must email frank@cookeschool.com with your name and address. Shipping of the textbook is by media mail.