AMP Real Estate License State Exam - What can I study to pass this exam?
- Feb 08, 2018 ArchiveAMP is the real estate license exam provider in 12 states. Cooke Real Estate School provides the pre-license course in six of these states: Alabama, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Vermont.
AMP also provides a Candidate AMP Handbook for students preparing to take the AMP license exam. There is an outline in the Candidate Handbook of the areas where the state exam questions come from. This also includes the percentage of questions that comes from each subject matter.
Dearborn Real Estate Education has an excellent textbook that actually corresponds to the outline of the content of the national portion of the state exam in all these states. The textbook Guide to Passing the AMP Real Estate Exam is written by Joyce Bea Sterling.
Cooke Real Estate School will soon have an exam prep course using the content of this outstanding textbook so student can be fully prepared for the state exam.
Here is an outline of the course:
Unit 1: Agency Relationships and Contracts
Unit 2: Real Property Ownership/Interest
Unit 3: Finance
Unit 4: Real Property
Unit 5: Marketing Regulations (Purchase and Rental)
Unit 6: Property Management
Unit 7: Real Estate Calculations
The course has hundreds of questions and the math unit is very thorough. Plus,it has two 110 question Sales Exams and a final 100 question exam