ARELLO Assumes REEA Management Services
- Sep 14, 2010 ArchiveYesterday, September 13, 2010 we received this note from the Real Estate Educators Association (REEA)
The Real Estate Educators Association (REEA) today announced that the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO®) would assume REEAs association management services effective immediately. ARELLO® played a prominent role in helping establish REEA in 1979 to provide resources and opportunities for professional development to individuals and organizations involved in real estate education. REEA President, Philip Schoewe said, by having ARELLO manage REEA we are strengthening our relationship with real estate regulators and will better fulfill our mission to provide resources and opportunities for those involved in real estate education. ARELLOs Joe McClary will serve as REEAs new Executive Director.
This is and important partnership for REEA and real estate educator across the country. REEA is a wonderful organization for real estate educators to get together to improve and promote good real estate license education.
This marriage will help bring together real estate regulators and real estate educators to help improve the education of license agents.
Frank Cooke
Cooke Real Estate School