Cooke Real Estate School

person taking online real estate course

60 Hour Alabama Principles Streaming Course

This online streaming video course is just like taking a classroom course. You're in front of the class, but at home on your dining room table. You go to class on your time and at your convenience. No better way to take the 60 Hour Alabama Real Estate Principles Course.

ARELLO Certification #3271
Course Approval #011

Bronze Package (Free Shipping)



Silver Package (Free Shipping)


Additional Online Course

Gold Package (Free Shipping)


Additional Online Course

Purchase Information

Information needed to know before Purchasing the course:
  • There is no refund once the course is purchased.
  • This course is completely online. The course is not downloadable. The student can work through the course at their convenience.
  • This course is NOT designed to be printed for security purposes and copyright regulations.
  • Course Expiration - A student has six (6) months to complete the program. If the student’s course expires, the student will be offered three options to extend the course if necessary, up to a maximum of six months from the date of the course expiration. The date of expiration is at the top of the Course Page. For example if the registration date is January 1, 2025 the date of expiration is June 30, 2025 at Midnight (Eastern Standard Time).  If the course is not completed within the six (6) month time period, extension options are available for a fee.
  • Shipping - Shipping is FREE. The textbook(s) that are in the package the student selected will be mailed by U.S. Priority Mail. The postmaster advertises 2 to 3 day delivery. The companion textbook to the course is included in all packages, Bronze, Silver and Gold.
  • Login Information - Upon registration the student will receive two emails, one is a receipt for purchase and one has the student’s user name and password to access their Course Page. The link to the 'Student Login' is at the top of every webpage.

Course Information

Information for Taking the course:

  • Login - The student can access their Course Page by going to the "Student Login" link which is located in the top corner of the website.
  • Sessions/ Chapters - The course is broken down into Sessions/Chapters. Each session corresponds to the chapters in the text book. To complete a session and move on to the next, you must finish the required assignments for that session. These assignments consist of watching the video presentation for the required amount of time, completing vocabulary matching exercises and passing the session quizzes.
    1. Video Presentation - This is a recorded video of our instructor going over the session with a power point presentation to help provide examples. There is a time requirement for each Session’s video presentation which needs to be watched in real time. Speeding the video up does not reduce the time requirement. To make sure time is recorded, click on the link at the top of the video SAVE AND RETURN. It is recommended to use Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
    2. Vocabulary Matching - Each session has a vocabulary matching exercise where the student needs to score 100% (all words and definitions to be matched correctly) to complete the exercise.
    3. Session Quizzes
      • As the student works through the course, there is an assessment quiz after every video presentation. The quiz must be answered with 80% accuracy before that session can be marked complete.
      • Quizzes have a 3 to 1 ratio of questions, which means that if a student does not score 80% on any quiz, the student receives a second set of questions and if the student fails again to reach 80% on the second set of questions, the third set is issued. If the student fails the third set of questions, the first set is issued again. Students are encouraged to work through all the questions in the bank even though it’s not required. The time spent will be counted toward the total time required. (See seat-time below.)
  • Agreement - Once the student successfully completes the summary or practice exam a link to the Agreement becomes available. Every course requires the student to complete the "Agreement," which states the student completed the course on their own.


  • Seat-time Requirement: State law mandates a 60 hour course for pre-licensure. As a result, there is a seat-time requirement of 3,000 minutes (60 hours x 50 minute hours). Each video presentation has a time requirement and the total course has a time requirement. All time spent on the video presentations, quizzes, matching exercise, text links, and any supplemental quizzes, all count towards the MINIMUM time requirement. Students can spend as much time as necessary to learn the material, so this time requirement is NOT a maximum requirement.
  • Non-movement of the mouse for more than 20 minutes will disengage the student from the course page.


  • Practice Exam - The course has a practice exam if the state requires a final end-of-course exam. The student needs to score a 70% on the practice exam to move forward and complete the course. The practice exam has a 3 to 1 ratio of questions and as explained previously all students are encouraged to work through all questions in the bank and time spent will count towards the minimum time requirement.

Proctored Final Course Exam

  • Proctored End-of-Course Exam - The student must find a Proctor to proctor the end-of-course exam. The current allowable test Proctors can be any of the following: accredited universities, colleges, vocational technical schools, legitimate testing centers, a person involved with education, a librarian, a school teacher, a notary, pastor or church official. The name of the proctor and the proctor's address must be faxed to the school at 1-866-280-5948 or emailed to: The school will mail the exam, answer sheets, Student Affidavit, Proctor Affidavit and the "Exam Directions" to the proctor.
  • Once the exam is completed by the student, the proctor must mail the exam, answer sheets along with the "Proctor Affidavit", "Student Affidavit" and the Course Evaluation to the school for grading.
  • Besides the above documents, the Distance Education Salesperson Pre-License Evaluation form and the Licensing Process and Deadlines form must be signed and sent to the school.
  • Be sure to have your proctor's affidavit with you at exam time.
  • Also, be sure to to have photo id available at exam time.
  • The exam will be graded and upon successful completion of the exam with all documents in order, the completion certificate will be mailed to the student. All exams and certificates will be mailed to those students who have successfully received a grade of 70% or better on the 100 question end-of-course exam. Allow three to four business days to receive this completion certificate.
  • The school student records are kept for five years from the date of the completion of the course. Student records include the student's name, the address, license number, social security number, date of enrollment, course title, records of completion of the various unit/chapter quizzes, time spent on each unit, copies of course material including timeline and objectives. All records are kept at the school.

License Application Process

The Licensing Process:

  1. Take this on-line 60 Hour Pre-license required course and pass the proctored end-of-course exam with 70% or more.
  2. If the student fails the course, the student must take a second exam. Students failing the end-of-course exam a second time will be required to pay for and complete the entire course again.
  3. Upon successfully passing end-of-course exam call AMP (1-800-345-6559) to schedule the State Exam.
  4. The state exam is given Monday through Friday in Athens, Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery. The State Exam fee is $73 and the necessary passing score is 75%.
  5. The AMP Candidate Handbook gives important information on how to schedule an exam and the requirements on the day of the exam.
  6. This course is designed to prepare students to take the State Exam. To assure students that all the subject matter for the state exam is covered, the Alabama Real Estate Commission has a general course Content Outline.
  7. Upon successfully passing the State Exam at an AMP exam center, AMP will issue you an application for licensure. Complete the application and mail the application along with the AMP exam report, the Certificate of Completion from Cooke Real Estate School, proof of residency, documented proof of high school graduation or GED and $85 for an active license or $205 or an inactive license) to: Alabama Real Estate Commission, 1201 Carmichael Way, Montgomery, Alabama 36106
  8. All applicants are required to disclose their social security number to the Commission. Failure to do so will result in the denial of the license.
  9. All applicants must submit to a Criminal Background Check. The "Criminal History Information Release" form found on the Commission’s website at: by clicking on FORMS on the top right of the website homepage.

Course Outline

Outline for 60 Hour Alabama Real Estate Principles Course
National Real Estate Principles
 Session                Subject
Session 1 – The Real Estate Business
Session 2 – Real Property & the Law
Session 3 – Concepts of Home Ownership
Session 4 – Agency
Session 5 – Real Estate Brokerage
Session 6 – Listing Agreements & Buyer Representation
Session 7 – Interest in Real Estate
Session 8 – Forms of Real Estate Ownership
Session 9 – Legal Descriptions
Session 10 – Real Estate Taxes & Liens
Session 11 – Real Estate Contracts
Session 12 – Transfer of Title
Session 13 – Title Records
Session 14 – Real Estate Financing: Principles
Session 15 - Real Estate Financing: Practice
Session 16 – Leases
Session 17 – Property Management
Session 18 – Real Estate Appraisal
Session 19 – Land-Use Controls & Property Development
Session 20 – Fair Housing & Ethical Practices
Session 21 – Environmental Issues and the Real Estate Transaction
Session 22 – Closing the Real Estate Transaction
Session 23 – Real Estate Investment
Session 24 – Real Estate Math
Alabama State Specific
Session 1 – Alabama Qualifications for Licensure
Session 2 – Alabama Services of Real Estate
Session 3 – Alabama License Law and Administration
Session 4 – Alabama Brokerage Relationships and Agency
Session 5 – Alabama Brokerage Operations and Trust Accounts
Session 6 – Alabama Brokerage Engagement, Contracts and Advertising
Session 7 – Alabama Ownership Interests and Legal Descriptions
Session 8 – Alabama Property Management
Practice quiz
Alabama Required Final Exam to be Proctored


Technical Issues

Technical Issues: Please view the following items:

  • To experience the best results from a technical perspective on the course, please view the following RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE.
  • We recommend using Mozilla Firefox as your Web Browser: Download for PC and Mac
  • At this time we DO NOT recommend using the Microsoft Edge web browser.
  • Call TOLL FREE (800)943-9993 Monday through Friday 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P.M. EST.
  • E-mail at
  • Chat at the top of every webpage and Student Page.

Instructor Support

Instructor Support:
After you enroll, a licensed real estate instructor will be available for questions Monday through Friday between 8:30 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. EST. We encourage students to e-mail the instructor with questions regarding the On-Line course at With an e-mail to the instructor, the student will have a written document of the response. For questions by e-mail, there is a 24 Hour response time Monday through Friday. E-mails over Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday will be returned the first business day. Also on each student page is a "Live Chat" link. When the live chat link shows "online" the student can ask the operator any questions they have. Cooke encourages communication with the school.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If I forget my real estate course password, where can I find it?
    Please call the school at 1-800-943-9993 Monday - Friday between 8 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time, or send an email to
  • My video won't play.
    Check the Internet connection, and change the browser to Mozilla Firefox, some computers need to download Microsoft Silverlight. Or you may call the Cooke Real Estate School at 1-800-943-9993 Monday - Friday between 8 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time.
  • My score isn't showing up in the grade section.
    Refresh your browser, sometimes there is a very short delay.
  • Can I use my tablet?
    Tablets and Kindalls are not recommended because of connectivity issues and stability, especially for timed end-of-course exams.
  • Does the real estate license course work on all the platforms?
  • Once I log into my course page, do I have to log in each time using my username and password?
  • I watched the video course presentation but I still can't move forward, what do I do?
    Be sure to click on the 'SAVE AND RETURN' button, or simply refresh your page.
  • If I have a question regarding a quiz question(s), how can I get help?
    There are three different aspects of communication with the school: phone, email, or live chat. The school makes a big effort to respond within 24 hours if by email. On weekends and holidays, we also try to respond within 24 hours, sometimes it may be the next business day.
  • Once I register how quickly can I start?
    Upon registration, there are two emails sent to the student. One is a receipt and the other contains your username and password. Students can then access their Course Page right away and start the course.
  • All courses come with a real estate course textbook(s), should I wait until I have the book to start?
    Having a textbook is a VERY important part of the course, but you can certainly start without it. The school recommends waiting until you receive the companion textbook.
  • Is the course evaluation necessary for me to complete the course?
    Yes, the evaluation needs to be completed. The evaluation is mandated by ARELLO which is required by the state regulatory agencies. Any comment that you would like to make that we can post on our Testimonial page is very much appreciated.
  • Is a Student Affidavit required to be completed to obtain a certificate of completion?
    Yes, mandated by regulatory agencies.
  • What happens if I have technical issues?
    If you are having a technical issue, please call during regular business hours or email Cooke Real Estate School so we can determine what the issue is. If we can't solve it over the phone, we recommend allowing your tech staff to access your computer device, so we can see the same thing you are seeing. For students that are taking the course with an iPad or iPhone, our technicians will not be able to access those devices.

Interactive Study Group

What is Interactive Study Group?

Interactive Study Group is a weekly opportunity to meet with other students and an instructor to reinforce key topics students need to know to pass the online real estate pre-license course, as well as the real estate licensing state exam. The evergreen program includes nine different sessions focused on specific real estate topics that run weekly. Students can pick and choose the topics they'd like to attend. The group meets at the same time, same place every week. These Question & Answer learning events are for everyone, regardless of where you are in your coursework.

How does it work?
  • After purchasing your pre-license real estate course, you will be sent an email from RECampus with instructions on how to complete your login process and get access to the live interactive presentation. You can only access this helpful program on Tuesdays at 8 pm EST. Once you have set up your user name and password (which is different than the Cooke course), you can click on the STUDENT LOGIN link on all our Cooke Real Estate School’s webpages. Once at the login point, click on the RECampus logo to login to the Study Hall program.
  • This is a learning tool only. If your course has a seat-time requirement the time in this program does not count towards your seat time/completion.
  • Here is a link to the current schedule.
  • Any technical difficulties should be directed to REcampus 888-213-5124
  • Gives the opportunity to ask the real estate instructor questions in a live online session
  • Reinforces key concepts in a unique learning experience
  • Supports the material covered in the online course
  • Boosts confidence through connecting concepts and ideas in a live session
  • Increases comprehension and retention of key real estate concepts and improves performance in your online course and exams
  • Increases the sense of community engagement while taking an online course
  • Bolsters good study habits
Reason Cooke Provides this Program

Your success on the real estate licensing exam depends on your full understanding of the topics and concepts. That's why we offer Interactive Study Groups as an added value for our real estate pre-license students to find success on the course exam and state exam!

Course Format

Interactive Study Groups are 1-hour, instructor-led webinars designed to help you master the national real estate content in the course as well as on the licensing exam. The sessions are held every Tuesday at 8:00 pm ET. These Q&A learning events are for everyone, regardless of where you are in your coursework.

Arello Information

ARELLO Certification #3271
This course is ARELLO certified. Here are some of the objectives for the certification process for the student, such as:

  • to foster the excellence in professional real estate education by having standards and guidelines for evaluating distance learning effectiveness, while recognizing and respecting the diversity of courses in the real estate industry.
  • to provide public assurance that real estate education offered via distance education is of acceptable quality.
  • to provide guidance to providers in the continued improvement of the educational offering via distance learning.
  • to ensure that the certificate process evaluates not only the presence of essential resources and processes but the achievement of programmatic outcomes when applicable.
  • to encourage programs to view self-study and evaluation as a continuous obligation Students are encouraged to provide ARELLO feedback about their learning experience with this program by emailing ARELLO at